Songfest 2021
Songfest 2021 *IS* happening in a modified virtual format. For more about Songfest 2021, see here.
Songfest 2021 is being produced amidst very unusual circumstances arising from the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic. Much of the information on this site may not be applicable to the Songfest 2021 production.
Participant Registration
Every year, all participants in Songfest are required to register for the event. The registration process is done online, and only takes a few moments.
Registration is not just for cast members. Everyone involved with the show should register. This includes group leaders, group members, hosts, musicians, tech crew members, staff, etc.
Why is Registration Required?
- So that we know how many people are participating overall, and can plan accordingly.
- So that we can monitor performing group sizes.
- So that when necessary, we can contact all participants with important Songfest information.
- So that we list participant names correctly in the program.
- So that we know where to place everyone at the dress rehearsal.
- So that we can learn a little bit about our Songfest participants, and hopefully use our knowledge to make improvements to the Songfest experience for future participants.
Further questions? Email
Registration for Songfest 2020
Songfest registration is currently closed.
Registration for Songfest 2021 will open a few days before the Kick-Off Event in February 2021.