Songfest 2021
Songfest 2021 *IS* happening in a modified virtual format. For more about Songfest 2021, see here.
Songfest 2021 is being produced amidst very unusual circumstances arising from the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic. Much of the information on this site may not be applicable to the Songfest 2021 production.
Group Rehearsal Kick-Off Event
The Songfest Kick-Off Event marks the official start of group Songfest rehearsals. It's a crazy night where everyone involved in Songfest meets together briefly, some key information is given out, and then everyone separates into groups and commences rehearsal for the show.
Whether you're brand new or an experienced returner, everyone interested in participating in a Songfest group should attend. For students, this is the night that the amazing Songfest experience begins, and it doesn't end until the close of the last performance. Come be a part of Pepperdine's biggest and longest-running student tradition!
Frequently Asked Questions
Songfest 2021
The Kick-Off Event for Songfest 2021 has come and gone! However, to give future participants an idea of what is to come next time, the information on this page will be left up until late 2021, when it will be updated with information for the Songfest 2022 Kick-Off Event.
Songfest 2020 Kick-Off Event
Thursday, February 20
10:00 PM
Elkins Auditorium
For EVERYONE participating in Songfest 2020!
New participants welcome!
In the minutes immediately following the close of the Kick-Off Event, groups will hold their first rehearsals.
At the Kick-Off Event, the staff and hosts will:
- Distribute basic Songfest 2021 participant information
- Highlight key dates
- Present the show's theme
- Provide a list and descriptions of the participating groups
- Provide each group's rehearsal location information
- Connect interested students with groups
Don't have a group? No problem!
ALL Seaver students are welcome to join ANY competing group!!!
Just register, show up, and join their rehearsals!
Be sure to check out our frequently asked questions about participating.
Questions? Email us at